Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Julian: 5 Months Old

It feels like I JUST wrote the 4 month post.  Julian is growing up way too fast (so is Amelia, but that's another post).  *sigh*

We won't know Julian's weight or height until we go to the pediatrician next month, but the boy is long!  He's in 9 month clothes, and sometimes I think I might have to break out 12 month stuff.

He's working on his first teeth (the 2 bottom seem to be racing to come in).  He talks and laughs and is generally the happiest baby I've ever been around.  He is such a good boy.  He REALLY wants to get moving!  He doesn't like to be held for long periods of time (sniffle) - he tries to slide down and get on the floor so he can chase Amelia.  He's not crawling yet (phew!), but the kid can WALK half way across the room with help, of course.  Julian LOVES to spend time in the walker & moves both backwards and forwards in it.  He's almost sitting unassisted (he can sit up for a few seconds and then he leans).

Julian loves food!  So far we've tried rice cereal (not a fan), squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots.  He doesn't want to miss a single drop of food, so I usually don't even have to put a bib on him.  The kid has skills!  Once we finish up the veggies (peas & green beans left to go) we'll do some fruits.  I know they'll be a hit.  :)

For comparison, check out Amelia @ 5 months:

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