Wednesday, July 8, 2009

10 Months Old!

It's so hard to believe that Amelia is 10 months old already. I just don't know how it's possible for time to go by so fast.

We don't go back to the pediatrician until she's 1 year old, so we don't have "official" stats, but Amelia is TALL! We just switched her to 12 month clothes last month and those are already getting to be to short. So she's wearing some 18 month outfits!

Amelia is crawling all over the place. She loves exploring! She can pull to stand from just about everything, and can stand by herself for about 7 seconds. One of her favorite activities is standing at the window, and then walking from toy to toy.

Of course this post wouldn't be complete without pictures! Now that Amelia is mobile, it is super hard to get a decent enjoy the progression of her 10 month birthday! :)

Standing at the chair

I am 10 months old today!

This is my sign, I'll hold it any way I want!

Clapping with the sign


Mom, don't you think we have enough pictures?

Last, but not least...we transitioned Amelia into the big tub. She was way too long for the Duckie. Here she is taking her first big girl bath (excuse my hot-mess self):

Happy 10 month birthday, Amelia!!!

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