Tuesday, October 6, 2009

1 Year Check-Up

Amelia had her 1 year check-up the week of her birthday. She weighed 23 lbs, 2 oz (80th %) and was 31 inches tall (95th %). Basically, she's the size of your average 18 month old! :) Our little preemie sure grew!

Amelia can snap her fingers (I couldn't even do that until I was 5!), and is walking/running pretty much exclusively now. She can say a few words - mama, dada, go, hiiiiiiiii, eat/um-um - and a bunch of other sort-of words ("na" for no, "ot" for hot, "shhh" for shoe)...those are in addition to her babbling words that we can't figure out what they mean! She rings doorbells, turns lights on and off, and can reach the door knobs but doesn't know what to do with them yet (thank goodness!).

Overall, she's doing really well. Amelia still has the dairy/soy intolerance, so we're giving her rice milk. She still gets some of the Nutramigen formula to make sure she gets enough of the necessary nutrients. The good news is that she can handle SOME dairy and soy in her diet - small doses of yogurt, pudding, and other products that contain dairy and soy seem to not bother her too much. We just try not to give her too many foods that contain dairy and soy each day. Hopefully, she'll outgrow this and will be able to drink regular milk someday.

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