Thursday, January 6, 2011

27 Weeks

I am 27 weeks pregnant - officially in my last trimester. Did you hear that?!?!? That was the sound of me absolutely FREAKING OUT!
I have so much to do before this little one arrives, and I am running out of time. I can't even keep a mental list, let alone an actual list, of things I have to do because it sends me into panic mode. I'm sure I'll write about all the things I have to do...but today is NOT that day.
I had my gestational diabetes test on Tuesday. It wasn't as bad as I remember it. I think it helped that: (1) Alex was with me to distract me, (2) I had the fruit punch flavor this time instead of the yucky orange flavor, and (3) this lab actually refridgerated the drink for me, instead of giving me warm glucola to drink...blech! Anyway, I still haven't heard back from my Dr. so I don't know if I passed or failed. I'm *thinking* no news is good news - surely if I had failed, they would have called me to tell me to take the 3-hour test. So I'm anxiously awaiting the results.
On to the "good" stuff...

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 27 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby #2 is (still) the size of an eggplant!

Maternity Clothes: I'm about 99% all in maternity clothes.

Gender: Not finding out!

Movement: Lots and lots of movement! With Amelia, I carried low so I rarely felt any kicks above my belly button. This child is kicking me ALL OVER! I kind of like it. :)

Sleep: Not too good. It's so hard to get comfortable.

What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy, not waddling when I walk, being able to walk without a shooting pain in my butt.

Cravings: Chocolate!!! I'm also craving hamburgers and Mexican food again.
Symptoms: Some BH contractions, sciatic nerve pain, back pain, peeing every 5 minutes...comes with the territory.

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