Sunday, March 20, 2011

Julian's Birth Story

I woke up around 2-ish in the morning on March 14th with back pain and contractions. I laid in bed, trying to figure out if I could time them. Without looking at a clock, they were about 2-3 minutes apart. I debated my options. I was sort of in denial that I could be in labor already. I was exactly 37 weeks. I got up and went to the bathroom and just felt yucky. My body was shaking and my teeth were chattering. I may have been in denial, but the facts were: 1) this was similar to how my labor with Amelia began, and 2) 2nd babies (they say) come faster and I did NOT want to have a baby at home...or in the car.

So I woke up Alex and told him it was time to head to the hospital. Then I woke up my mom so that she could keep an eye on Amelia. We got all our stuff together and headed out the door. Lo and behold, it was snowing! In March! And I had flip flops on! Regardless, off we went.

I was sent to triage in Labor & Delivery and they were monitoring my (petering out) contractions. They checked me and I was 1.5 cm dilated, at -3 station. Basically no change from my appointment the week before. I was relieved and we were ready to go home. The nurse checked me again and I was 3 cm dilated. Since I had progressed, I was being admitted.

Most of what happened was a lot of waiting. The contractions weren't that painful, so I tried to hold off on pain meds for as long as I could. Given my prior (horribly terrifying) experience with an epidural, I wasn't really sure I wanted another. I spoke to the nurses and decided to go ahead with one. It was such a better experience! I felt the difference immediately and knew I had made the right decision.

The consensus was that I would have the baby "by noon." I was progressing, but the baby just wasn't moving down. Noon came and went and no baby. I was really getting frustrated. I wasn't in pain, but my 2nd baby just wasn't coming as fast as everyone expected.

Starting at around 2, I felt intense pressure that literally made me want to climb the walls. I kept calling for the nurse to check me. One time I would be 9.5 cm, the next time I was at 10. I'd get ready to push, they'd check again and I was only 9.5 again. This went on for about an hour or so. Now my frustration was out of control. I was still in pressure hell. All I wanted to do was push. After 2 self-dosed extra pumps of epidural did not take the pain away, I was given a special dose into my line. I like to call this my "utopia" moment. I felt so much better!

Finally, I was complete and ready to push. I should point out that my baby still was high, so I was told I would have to work that much harder to push the baby out. Fine - game on!

OH.MY.GOSH. Pushing was the worst. With Amelia, I didn't feel anything while pushing except relief. This time, I felt like I was never going to have the baby. The baby did NOT want to come down. I was pushing for what felt like forever. My doctor and nurses kept assuring me that I was making progress but I really didn't believe them. I had reached a point of physical exhaustion and mental breakdown - I felt like I couldn't push any more. With the cheerleading from Alex (and my doctor and nurses), I kept at it.

Finally, at 4:38 pm, my baby was born! IT WAS A BOY!!! They put him on my chest and I had never felt so relieved in my life. He was perfect! 6 pounds, 15 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. We named him Julian Tadeusz.

Amazingly, I had no tearing. I was able to get up and walk around (and use the bathroom) shortly after delivering. I felt pretty darn good for just having a baby.

We're all doing well, and I think the adjustment for everyone is going better than expected.

Here are some pictures:

Just born


With my tired Amelia

Proud big sister

Looking at baby Julian

So tired

Our family of 4

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