Monday, December 13, 2010

24 Weeks

I'm 24 weeks pregnant today! That's 6 months. CRAZY! I know that I forgot to post last week, but trust me when I say nothing interesting went on. Also, there won't be any belly shots (or other pictures) until we make room on our cameras. That's right - both of our cameras have so many pictures still on them that we can't take any new ones. Project for this weekend: back up pics on laptop so I feel comfortable erasing the pics on our cameras. :)
Today I had an appointment with Dr. K. Everything is going great. Baby's heartbeat sounded healthy and strong, and was in the 150's as it's been the whole time. I have one more 4-week appointment and then I start going every 2 weeks! YIKES! This is all going so fast. I also have to do my Gestational Diabetes test sometime in the next few weeks. I'm not particularly looking forward to it - the sugar drink is NAS-TY! Look for an exciting post about that coming soon. ;)
All in all, we're just going with the flow while time is quickly ticking away. Before we know it, it will be 2011 and then we'll be welcoming another bundle of joy into the world!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby #2 is the size of a papaya!
Maternity Clothes: I'm pretty much moving exclusively into maternity clothes. Some of my tops from before I lost weight still "fit" but they are getting short because of my belly.
Gender: Not finding out!
Movement: This baby is a mover! I don't think the movement is as frequent as Amelia was (she was moving pretty much non-stop), so maybe this baby will be more mellow. :)
Sleep: Meh, who needs sleep?
What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy, not waddling when I walk, being able to walk without a shooting pain in my butt.
Cravings: They come and go. Lately I've been craving salsa.
Symptoms: Normal pregnancy stuff.

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